Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

I don't understand people my age who say they aren't going to decorate for Christmas.  They tell me it is too much work and no one cares or helps them.  They tell me their kids are all grown and aren't coming to visit so why bother.  I guess I don't understand their logic.  I decorate my home for me and my husband's enjoyment.  I decorate for every season of the year, for us.  If my kids decide to visit great, if not that's great too because my joy in life isn't based on whether they are here or not.  I go out of my way to make my home joyful for us, with or without anyone else visiting.  I remember being newlyweds, you know that time before kids, and we decorated and had fun doing it.  So why do kids make it so we can't have fun doing things together anymore.  I just don't understand.  This year I added a few extra decorations, like an extra tree, because I wanted to.  Christmas decorations aren't about who will see it.  It is about how it makes us feel inside, how we respond when we see it.  I know that this morning when I walked out into my winter wonderland I got a smile on my face and started to sing 'Joy to the World' very loudly if I might add.  And now I am in the mood to make my house smell like Christmas by baking.  So don't not decorate because no one is coming, decorate because you are here!

1 comment:

  1. so true! I have been guilty about being lazy on holidays in the past, but having a nice atmosphere makes the heart joyful. So, here's to a festive Christmas season! :)
