Thursday, January 19, 2012

So What's New in the New Year?

Everyone has a new year resolutions and that is fine and dandy.  We all need a little disappointment sometimes. I am just saying, that we seem to set ourselves up for failure.  Yeah, yeah, we all feel like we could lose weight or get more exercise.  But really if we really wanted to, we wouldn't wait until the first day of the new year to do it.  We would exercise and watch what we eat all the time but we don't; so why set ourselves up.  Why try to trick ourselves into uncomfortable submission?
Forget about it I refuse to do it.  So what am I going to make my new year's resolution?  Well something I have wanted to do for a long time. That's right I am setting myself up for failure.  But I am going to give myself the whole year to fail, because I am kind to myself if nothing else.  So here it is, I have decided that this year I am going to memorize a whole book of the Bible.  I love the book of James so that is the one I chose.  And as with a diet you are more likely to succeed when the whole family joins in so my sweet husband has decided to memorize it with me.  Sure I will weigh the same with the same flab hanging around at the end of the year but my spirit will be stronger and able to handle whatever comes my way. And I will have strengthen my brain and at my age a good brain exercising can go a long way.  I am just saying no use letting memory loss stop me, huh what now where was I. 
I really do hate new year's resolutions and I don't like to fail at anything so why now and why this?  Eh why not?